
Faculty List

University Professors Emeriti 
J.E. Chamberlin, PhD, FRSC (N) 
R. Frank, MA, PhD, FRSC (U) 
L.A. Hutcheon, MA, PhD, FRSC (N) 
M. Millgate, MA, PhD, FRSC 

Professors Emeriti 
T.H. Adamowski, MA, PhD 
F.J. Asals, MA, PhD (N) 
J.D. Baird, MA, PhD (V)
C.R. Blake, MA, PhD (U) (Obit) 
W.F. Blissett, MA, PhD, FRSC (U) 
R.M. Brown, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough) 
E. Cameron, MA, PhD (U) 
D.D.C. Chambers, MA, PhD (T) 
E. Cook, MA, PhD, FRSC (V) 
B. Corman, AM, PhD (T) 
M. Cuddy-Keane, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough) 
A.H. de Quehen, PhD (U) 
E.W. Domville, PhD (T) 
J.D. Duffy, MA, PhD (I) (V)
J. Dutka, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga) (Obit)
D.L. Esch, MA, PhD (V)  
D.I. Galbraith, MA, PhD (V) 
M. Garson, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga) 
W.H. Halewood, MA, PhD (U)
G.A. Hamel, MA, PhD (N) (Obit) 
E.R. Harvey, M Phil, PhD 
B.S. Hayne, AM, PhD (SM) 
A. diP. Healey, MA, PhD (U) 
H.J. Jackson, MA, PhD 
A.F. Johnston, MA, PhD, LL D, FRSC (V) 
D.N. Klausner, PhD (U)
N. ten Kortenaar, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough) 
J.C. Kuhn, MA, PhD (SM) 
A.C. Lancashire, AM, PhD, FRSC (U) 
D.I. Lancashire, MA, PhD, FRSC (N) 
A.M. Leggatt, MA, PhD, FRSC (U) 
J.L. Levenson, MA, PhD, FRSC (T) 
N.R. Lindheim, MA, PhD 
G. Matteo, MA, PhD (SM) 
J.L. Matus, MA, PhD, FRSC (U) 
R.R. McLeod, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga) 
S. Neuman, PhD, FRSC
M. Nyquist, MA, PhD (N) 
R.B. Parker, MA, PhD (T) 
M. Redekop, MA, PhD (V) 
J.H. Reibetanz, AM, PhD (V)
J.M. Reibetanz, MA, PhD (T) (Obit) 
A. Saddlemyer, MA, PhD, D Litt, LL D, FRSC (V) 
P.D. Seary, MA, D Phil (N) 
W.D. Shaw, AM, PhD, FRSC (V) 
M.J. Sidnell, MA, PhD (T) 
S.Z. Solecki, MA, PhD (U) 
R. Sullivan, MA, PhD, FRSC 
L. Thomson, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga) 
D. Townsend, MA, PhD (U) 
C. Visser, B Litt, PhD (U) 
G.T. Warkentin, MA, PhD (V) (FRSC) 
F.W. Watt, MA, B Litt, PhD (U) 

Associate Professors Emeriti 
G. Fenwick, MA, PhD (T) 
J.M. Heath, MA, PhD (V) 
G. Henderson, MA, PhD 
M.J. Levene, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga) 
V. Li, MA, PhD 
J.J. O'Connor, MA, PhD (SM) 
J.W.O. Patrick, MA, PhD (V) 
E.P. Vicari, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
M. Woodland, MA, PhD 

Professor and Chair of the Department
N. Morgenstern, MA, PhD 

Associate Professor and Associate Chair
A.E. Hernandez, MA, PhD 

University Professors
T. Keymer, MA, PhD, FRSC  

A. Ackerman, MA, PhD (U)  
A.J. Bewell, MA, PhD, FRSC (U) 
R. Boyagoda, MA, PhD (SM), Vice-Dean, Undergraduate 
G.E. Clarke, MA, PhD (U) 
M. Cobb, MA, PhD (U) 
P.B. Downes, MA, PhD (T) 
A. Esterhammer, PhD, FRSC (V) (Principal of Victoria College)
A. Gillespie, MA, D Phil (Vice-President & Principal, University of Toronto Mississauga) 
M. Goldman, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough) 
R. Greene, D Phil (University of Toronto Mississauga) 
A. Jaffe, PhD 
S. Kamboureli, MA, PhD, FRSC (U) 
K.R. Larson, M Phil, PhD (Vice-Dean, Teaching, Learning and Undergraduate Programs, University of Toronto Scarborough) 
G.M. Leonard, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough) 
L. Magnusson, MA, PhD, FRSC (V)
R. McGill, M Phil, PhD
A. Most, MA, PhD 
N. Mount, MA, PhD (T) 
C.E. Percy, MA, D Phil (N)
J. Rogers, MA, PhD
S. Salih, MA, D Phil 
C. Schmitt, MA, PhD
D. Seitler, MA, PhD
S. Stern, JD, PhD (U) 
P.A. Stevens, MA, PhD, FRSC (T)
R. R. Trilling, MA, PhD (January 2024)
C. Warley, MA, PhD 
K. Weisman, MA, PhD 
D.E. White, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
I. Williams, MA, PhD
M. Xie, PhD

Associate Professors 
L. Blake, M Phil, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
C. Bolus-Reichert, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
A. Charise, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
T. Dancer, MA, PhD
S.E. Dickie, MA, PhD 
N. Dolan, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
A. DuBois, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
K. Gaston, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
M. Gniadek, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
A. Hammond, MA, PhD
J. Hansen, MA, PhD (January 2024)
C. Hill, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga) 
S. Lamb, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough) 
H. Li, PhD 
A. Maurice, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough) (UTSC Chair)
S. Radović, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
T.F. Robinson, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga)
W. Robins, MA, PhD (V)
M. Sergi, PhD
A. Slater, MFA, M Phil, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga) 
C. Suzack, MA, PhD 
L. Switzky, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga) 
H.S. Syme, AM, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga) 
K. Vernon, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough) 
A. Walkden, M Phil, PhD
D. Wright, MA, PhD (University of Mississauga)

Associate Professors, Teaching Stream 
P. Grav, MA, PhD 
S. Rayter, MA, PhD (U) 

Assistant Professors 
T. Aguila-Way, MA, PhD 
D.F. Baker, MA, PhD 
C. Battershill, PhD
U. Chakravarty, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
R. Mehta, MA, PhD 
F.L. Michelet, M Phil, PhD 
Y. Ryzhik, MA, PhD (University of Toronto Scarborough)
M. Teramura, MA, PhD 
A. Thomas, M St, PhD (University of Toronto Mississauga) 
C.C. Azubuko-Udah, C Phil, PhD
A. Walton, MTS, PhD 
K. Williams, MA, PhD 

Assistant Professors, Teaching Stream 
D. Flynn, PhD
D.A. Newman, MA, PhD


Literary study engages with some of history's most creative and articulate thinkers as they contemplate fundamental and persistent questions: How do individuals form and sustain meaningful relationships with one another? What is the purpose of art? How does language record and shape human experience? As a student in the English program, you will be introduced to the literary tradition in English, a fascinating conversation spanning over a thousand years and connecting nations and peoples all across the globe. In addition, you will be trained in methods of critical reading and writing which will help you to comprehend complex texts and the authors and societies that produced them. The skills acquired by students of English are directly applicable to any career that requires critical thinking and effective communication--from education to government, law to engineering, business to medicine, and beyond. Just as valuably, the study of English will provide you with models and tools for discovering and articulating your own perspective on the many different kinds of written texts that make up our world.

The Department of English offers courses in British, Canadian, and American literature; Indigenous literatures of North America; postcolonial, transnational, and diasporic English literatures of Africa, the Caribbean, and South Asia; and in the critical and theoretical literature through which literary critics and philosophers have developed vocabulary and methods for describing the forms, histories, and ideologies of literary art.

English courses are arranged in four levels. Courses at the 100-level introduce students, in large lectures, to the study of English literature through sweeping surveys: of the literary tradition from Homer through the 19th century; of literature written in direct response to the events of recent decades; or of narrative forms in many genres and historical periods. Most 100-level courses include small-group tutorials, where students are introduced to critical reading and writing skills; essays at the 100-level typically do not require research or secondary sources. Courses at the 200-level provide historically, geographically, generically, or theoretically grounded introductions to the study of English literature. These include the four "gateway" courses required of all Specialists and Majors—introductions to the major national-historical fields (British, Canadian, and American) that comprise literatures in English—as well as a wide range of courses that will prepare students for further study. 300-level courses focus on particular literary periods, on diasporic literatures, and on special topics within a literature or literary genre. Courses at this level introduce students to research skills and typically require essays that incorporate secondary sources. Courses in the 400-level are both advanced and focused—unique courses created by Department faculty which often relate to their own research. Active student participation, including oral presentations, is an important part of these courses. These courses require a substantial research essay. English 400-level courses are open to students who have obtained standing in at least 9.0 credits, including 4.0 ENG credits, and who have completed ENG202H1, ENG203H1, ENG250H1, and ENG252H1 (though exemptions may be made for students registered in our pre-2018 programs).

The Department of English offers several Programs of Study. The Specialist is the most intensive and comprehensive, requiring a minimum of 10.0 credits in a 20.0 credits degree. The Major is the Department’s most popular program. It provides both depth and breadth to students who wish to focus on English studies but also wish to leave room in their degrees to pursue other interests. The Minor is the Department’s second-most popular program, and can be combined with Majors or Minors in a wide variety of other fields. On the presumption that the Minor is a curiosity-driven program, Minors are exempt from the required courses and distribution requirements of the Specialist and Major. In Fall 2022, the Department of English started offering a Minor in Creative Writing. The Minor in Creative Writing is a limited enrolment program with the objective of allowing students to exercise their creativity and to improve as writers through the practice-based and reflective study of genres, strategies, and techniques.

The Department of English publishes detailed course descriptions and reading lists online, usually at the beginning of May. Students are urged to consult these course descriptions at www.english.utoronto.ca before enrolment begins.

Students with questions about the English Undergraduate Programs should consult the Undergraduate Advisor.

Undergraduate Associate Chair: Professor Alex Hernandez, 170 St. George Street, Room 608

Undergraduate Advisor: Vanessa Andres, 170 St. George Street, Room 609 (416-978-5026), english.undergraduate@utoronto.ca


Regarding English Programs

Students are responsible for completing all the requirements of an English program from the Calendar of the year in which they enrolled in the program. Completion of a first-year ENG course is not a requirement for any of our programs. Please note that we do not accept ENG100H1, ENG102H1, or any CR/NCR courses toward any of our programs. Enrolment in the English Specialist program requires a final grade of at least 73% in ENG110Y1, ENG140Y1, or ENG150Y1; or a final grade of at least 73% in 2.0 ENG credits at the 200-level.